5 Things You Need To Do When Your Rental Car Breaks Down
Though car rentals in Toronto are well maintained, but still it is a car; a machine, that can break down at any point of time. And needless to say, stranded in the middle of nowhere is quite stressful. So, it is better to play safe and keep a few precautionary steps in mind that can help you overcome the situation without much headache.
Do not panic
Car breakdown may sound daunting, but panicking will only make things worse. In such situation you need to stay calm so that you can find out ways to get out of the situation. Once your car has stopped moving, find out what has gone wrong. If you lack the technical expertise, think what you can do next to get out of the situation. If you are driving alone, you know that you don’t have any choice instead of helping yourself. Remember, panicking will only delay and worse the things.
Pull Over to the Shoulder
If you feel that your car is breaking down, make sure you reach the right shoulder of the road, particularly if it is a highway. Get off the road as soon as possible to avoid any accident or hit by the vehicles. After reaching the shoulders, relax a bit as you are not stranded in the middle of a busy lane, you can take your time to think what needs to be done next. If you plan to walk on the road to seek someone’s help, make sure you walk on the left side of the road facing the traffic.
Turn on your hazard lights to warn other drivers
Make sure you are aware of the buttons and functions of your rented car. Turn on the hazard lights, in order to warn other drivers that there is something wrong with your vehicle. This way other drivers will make a safe distance from you and your vehicle.
Try to plan how to get out of the situation
Once you are ensured about the safety of your vehicle and turned on its hazard lights, it is time to assess the situation and think about something that can help. Look at the car carefully, as there might be some problem that you can handle easily, such as a flat tire that you can repair. However, if the situation is out of your control, call your friend or any roadside assistance service for help.
Keep a mobile phone
A mobile phone is a must, especially if you are traveling alone. Always keep the phone number of the tool truck company and rental agency in your phone book, so that you can contact them in case of an emergency.
Stay calm and think of ways that can resolve the issue and get you back on the road. However, before hiring any car or a 12 passenger Van rental Toronto, make sure you get it checked by a mechanic, especially if you are on a long distance journey.
To know more about can rental services, you can contact us at Holiday Car Rentals. Come and choose the car or truck of your choice to make your journey memorable.